The library has the latest versions of Edge and Mozilla FireFox installed on our public computers with high security settings applied. Feel free to use whichever browser you are most comfortable with, but don't be afraid to try out the others.
We have the free, open-source office suite LibreOffice installed on all library computers. LibreOffice, developed by The Document Foundation, contains a word processor (Writer), spreadsheet program (Calc), presentation program (Impress), database management program (Base), vector graphics editor (Draw), and formulae editor (Math). LibreOffice can also open and save files in Office's file formats, including the new 2007/2010 formats (such as '.docx').
The library has the latest version of Adobe Reader, which is used to open PDFs.
Easily edit images with the free software Paint.NET, which is installed on every library computer. The program is intended to be an intuitive, yet more capable alternative to Windows’ built-in Paint program, featuring support for layers and special image effects.
The library charges $0.50 per item per day late (excluding Sundays and Mondays) for all items.
The maximum fine on any one item is $10.00.
Use of the library’s computer and internet is subject to our Acceptable Use Agreement for Library Computers
Access to the Internet is provided for research and information purposes, personal computing needs and access to Library electronic resources.
Use of Library computers for illegal purposes, including copyright violation, pornography, obscenity, and hate literature, or sending fraudulent, harassing, or obscene e-mail messages, is prohibited.
Internet workstations are available to authorized users only. Please ask for assistance at the library circulation desk. To meet demand, use may be limited to one hour on a first-come, first-served basis. You must leave the workstation as soon as your time is up. Computers are shut down 5 minutes before closing.
Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult (that is, someone over 18) during the full session. Parents and guardians are reminded that restriction of a child’s use of library computers, including Internet access, is their responsibility.
Users should be aware that public computers may not be configurable for personal use of content with Digital Rights Management (DRM). Personal devices and home computers are recommended for DRM content.
No more than two people may use an Internet workstation at one time.
E-mail access is available only through web-based e-mail providers.
Food and drinks are not permitted around or near the computers.
Staff can only assist users when time and knowledge permit.
Anyone not adhering to the Rainy River Public Library Acceptable Use Agreement or who damages any computer or software will have their privileges suspended and will be held responsible for damages.
Surf the Internet, but remember there are some bad things on the Internet. You will know the bad stuff when you see it or read it and feel uncomfortable about what you found. If this happens, leave the website.
Have Internet friends to talk or chat with, but remember that they are still strangers and could hurt you. It’s ok to give your Internet friends your first name. Don’t give your Internet friends your last name, home address, phone number or tell them where you go to school. Don’t tell them about your family. Don’t arrange to meet someone you met on the Internet.
Look for fun stuff on the Internet, but there are places on the Internet that are for adults only. If you find yourself in an “adults only” place, or any place you think you shouldn’t be, leave the web site.
Look at stuff that’s for sale on the Internet, but don’t order anything, as these will need your name, address and a credit card number. Remember that any offer that is “too good to be true” most likely is.
Use the library’s computers without registering with a staff member. If you are under 12 you must be with an adult – that’s someone over 18.
Print pages without making sure they are what you really want.
to have more than two people at a computer workstation.
Damage the equipment or alter the software in any way. Downloading programs from the Internet is not allowed.
A vital meeting place for culture-seeking and culture-making.